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Hello I'm Jazzy!

This site is for girls who want change! Whether that means body image, attitude, happiness or all of the above.Girls must feel beautiful inside and out and have the right to their own pursuit of happiness.Married at 18 to an abusive guy who took all of my love and gave nothing back. The weight started to pack on. I tried to cook and exercise, but taco bell and emotions got the best of me. At 230 pounds, I was miserable, overweight, and drowned my feelings in ice cream and shopping.Fast forward to November 2nd 2010 everything changed. Six loooong years after that date and 100 pounds lighter, I'm happy, content, and healthy. I kept a journal during that time and want to share the roller coaster of pit falls and victories. Fitness, health, and happiness is not given to you, it's a battle. A battle you can win.This website contains everything I've learned and accomplished including: cooking, various eating lifestyles, weight loss plateaus, exercising, clothes, shopping smart, how to be confident with who you are, and obtaining the man of your dreams. Find your inner "Jazzy" girls! Ready? Set.... GO!!